I had to change and reset the license server on a number of hosts, and thanks to the brilliant Hugo Peeters, and some assistance from one of our scripting guru's here at work, I knocked up some Powershell to reach out to a cluster and check the status of it's license server. If the service is stopped, or not responding the correct server, it is corrected and restarted. It's also nicely wrapped into a function :)
Function Set-ESXLicenseHost
$ESXHosts = get-vmhost
ForEach ($VMHost in $ESXHosts)
$SI = Get-View ServiceInstance
$LM = Get-View $SI.Content.LicenseManager
$VMHostView = Get-VMHost $VMHost
$VMHostRef = $VMHostView.MoRef
$LicUse = $LM.QueryLicenseUsage($VMHostRef)
If ($LicUse.sourceAvailable -ne 'True')
write-output "Not Available - resetting service"
$hostref = ($VMHost
$LicServer = “INT01VCC01”
$licsrc = New-Object VMware.Vim.LicenseServerSource
$licsrc.LicenseServer = $LicServer
write-output "Available"
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